RightCount Action works to recruit and mobilize trusted messengers that will publicly affirm the integrity of elections and defend those sworn to uphold the constitutional standards, laws and procedures for vote counting and certification.

Key Election Reforms in Arizona

Paper Ballots Required to be Stored in Locked Facilities.

83% of Arizona Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that ballots are required to be stored in locked facilities to prevent tampering.

State Officials Required To Check for Duplicate Voter Registrations.

83% of Arizona’s Republican and Independent Voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials are required to use multi-state databases for duplicate voter registrations in multiple states.

Absentee Voters Able to Track Their Ballot Online.

77% of Arizona’s Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that the state offers online tracking for absentee ballot voters with proof that their ballot has been received and will be counted.

Officials Conduct Independent Testing of Every Voting Machine.

77% of Arizona’s Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials conduct independent testing of every voter machine in the state prior to the start of in-person voting to ensure integrity.

Key Election Reforms in Georgia

State Officials Required To Check for Duplicate Voter Registrations.

87% of Georgia’s Republican and Independent Voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials are required
to use multi-state databases for duplicate voter registrations in multiple states.

Paper Ballots Required to be Stored in Locked Facilities.

81% of Georgia Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that ballots are required to be stored in locked facilities to prevent tampering.

No Voting Equipment is Connected to the Internet.

79% of Georgia Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that
no voting equipment is ever connected to the internet.

Ballot Drop Boxes are Monitored By Video Surveillance.

77% of Georgia Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that ballot drop boxes are monitored 24/7 by video.

Key Election Reforms in Nevada

State Officials Required To Check for Duplicate Voter Registrations.

92% of Nevada Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials are required to use multi-state databases to check for duplicate voter registrations in multiple states.

Paper Ballots Required to be Stored in Locked Facilities.

90% of Nevada Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that all paper ballots are required to be stored in locked facilities to prevent tampering.

Officials Conduct Independent Testing of Every Voting Machine.

87% of Nevada Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials conduct independent testing of every voter machine in the state prior to the start of in-person voting to ensure integrity.

No Voting Equipment is Connected to the Internet.

87% of Nevada Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that no voting equipment is ever connected to the internet.

Key Election Reforms in Pennsylvania

State Officials Required To Check for Duplicate Voter Registrations.

88% of Pennsylvania’s Republican and Independent Voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials are required to use multi-state databases for duplicate voter registrations in multiple states.

Paper Ballots Required to be Stored in Locked Facilities.

83% of Pennsylvania’s Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that all paper ballots are required to be stored in locked facilities to prevent tampering.

No Voting Equipment is Connected to the Internet.

80% of Pennsylvania’s Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that no voting equipment is ever connected to the internet.

Ballot Drop Boxes are Monitored By Video Surveillance.

78% of Pennsylvania Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that ballot drop boxes are monitored 24/7 by video.

Key Election Reforms in Wisconsin

Paper Ballots Required to be Stored in Locked Facilities.

93% of Wisconsin Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that all paper ballots are required to be stored in locked facilities to prevent tampering.

State Officials Required To Check for Duplicate Voter Registrations.

89% of Wisconsin Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials are required to use multi-state databases to check for duplicate voter registrations in multiple states.

Officials Conduct Independent Testing of Every Voting Machine.

86% of Wisconsin Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that state officials conduct independent testing of every voter machine in the state prior to the start of in-person voting to ensure integrity.

No Voting Equipment is Connected to the Internet.

81% of Wisconsin Republican and Independent voters are more confident in the accuracy of the election when they learn that no voting equipment is ever connected to the internet.

Stand Together

Statement of Principles



Organize coalitions of like-minded civic, business, and religious leaders in the various states who believe the rule of law, transparency and the integrity of our electoral voting processes are of paramount importance in our constitutional system.



Deploy coalition members to remind the public of the importance of security, integrity and transparency in the vote counting process and to raise awareness of threats to the constitutional and legal procedures related to vote counting if and when they arise.



Utilize community voices to applaud election officials for carrying out their ministerial duties in the face of partisan opposition and encourage those same officials when there are indications they may stray from their legal and constitutional obligations.



Respond forcefully to any and all actors who encourage illegal action or obstruction related to the constitutionally prescribed voting counting or certification process.

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